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Increasing Reach: Place your brand in front of a new, targeted crypto audience.
Expanding Your Network: Gain opportunities for business connections and
Growing Your Social Media Following: Include links to your social media profiles and
get tagged by publications.
Building Authority and Credibility: Publishing high-quality content on a reputable site
like Coinranking establishes you as an authority in your field, enhancing your credibility
and reputation.

If you’re interested in writing for us, here are some guidelines you can follow to ensure your
submission meets our blogging requirements :

  1. Original Content
    ○ Produce original, non-copied content.
    ○ Avoid rephrasing articles using software.
    ○ Write confidently about topics you are knowledgeable about.
  2. Language and Accuracy
    ○ Write in English with over 95% grammar accuracy.
    ○ Ensure proper sentence structure.
  3. Niche Focus
    ○ Write about cryptocurrency and related topics.
    ○ You can cover topics like new ICOs, achievements of influencers, exchange
    reviews, new technologies (DeFi, Dapps), product reviews, crypto scams, and
    leveraged products (Futures, Options).
  4. Thorough Research
    ○ Conduct thorough research and provide accurate facts.
    ○ Clearly state any assumed figures and their unverified status.
  5. No Buying Advice
    ○ Include a disclaimer that the content is not buying advice.
    ○ Recommend consulting a financial advisor for investment decisions.
  6. Citations
    ○ Cite and link to sources of information.
  7. Non-Promotional Content
    ○ Avoid promotional content.
    ○ Mention backlinks contextually.
  8. Visibility and Engagement
    ○ Write to increase visibility and build relationships with the crypto community.
  9. Keyword Usage
    ○ Use trending keywords to rank higher on search engines.
    ○ Examples: “Bitcoin,” “Crypto,” ” Cryptocurrency,” etc.